Bonito Flakes Miso Pasta

Ingredients (1 serving):

  • 75g of pasta (125g is fine but add more miso!)

  • 1/4 cup of parmesarn cheese

  • 2 tbsp of cream

  • 3 tbsp of milk

  • 2 tbsp of miso paste

  • 2 tbsp of soy sauce

  • 1 green onion chopped

  • 1 pack of bonito flakes

  • Optional: if you have instant miso soup paste, use 2tbsp of it without the soy sauce!


  1. Set the water to boil and add pasta!

  2. In a small bowl whisk milk, cream, miso paste, and soy sauce.

  3. Pour mixture into the pan over low heat.

  4. Once pasta is almost aldente, add it into the sauce and place on medium heat and stir!

  5. Optional to add parmesarn cheese. It gives a nice kick to the sauce. 

  6. Serve the pasta once the cooking time has reached the optimal pasta cooking time.

  7. Sprinkle on top bonito!

Extra Steps:

So what now? Pasta is plain? Fear not! You can extra the bonito miso pasta by just adding poached egg or seared scallops! Be creative!

Story Time:

When it comes to Mim’s Table innovation. This is it! I go a long way to make dishes and by long I mean short. People often ask how I come up with my new dishes and there are many different ways they come to life. Notably, it really comes down to what’s in the kitchen or in the grocery that day.

For the faithful day of bonito, I just happen to have a lot of miso and bonito lying around. I know these are not the two common things in a household but I bet my ass that it should be a common thing because they are so versatile! Did you know you can marinade your fish in miso and then use the leftover marinade to make soup? The miso makes the fish super tender and it’s very healthy to consume (but please watch your sodium intake!) I am a big fan of ingredients that are versatile and can be used in many dishes.

How about Bonito? Bonito is a wonder! They are flakes that you can top on anything to make it extra smoky and savor in flavor. You can never go wrong when putting bonito with fish dishes or dishes that have strong carbohydrate factors. It goes very with Asian tastes and I encourage you to experiment with what works best for you.

For me, experimentation is one of the overlook parts of a home kitchen. You are truly not confined to anything because IT IS YOUR HOME. YOU CAN DO ANYTHING! It does not really matter what other people think about food. It really matters what you think and whether you like to eat the dish or not. It’s your damn home!